Carlton United Breweries

Queensland Breweries
(Carlton United Breweries), Yatala, QLD
Bottling Line / Warehousing
To provide a ventilation solution for Warehouse 1 and 2 at CUB Yatala plant, as the bottling process creates an excessive amount of heat and moisture. Bradford Ventilation also asked to produce a ventilation scheme that that would comply with the sprinkler systems that are installed in both warehouses.
Bradford Ventilation supplied 30 X Hurricane™ H900 Ventilators on Warehouse 1 and 46 X Hurricane™ H900 Ventilators on Warehouse 2.
Cyclone Roofing, Gold Coast, Qld - Warehouse 1
D & P Bugler Plumbing, Ashgrove, Qld - Warehouse 2
Our product selector will help you select the right vent for your project.
Hurricane is designed and built to endure tough conditions and operating environments.
A hybrid ventilator that works to ensure a constant supply of fresh air for commercial industrial buildings.