The innovative technology and design of Odyssey has been recognised with awards from two leading industry bodies.
Odyssey – Winner of Top HVAC&R Industry Award for Sustainability
In 2013 CSR Bradford Ventilation won the Excellence in Sustainability Award for the Odyssey system. This national award recognises the “best of the best” Australian initiatives that have made clear improvements in the sustainability of HVAC&R (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration) systems or the HVAC&R industry. The initiatives may be new air conditioning or refrigeration systems or the development of new systems, items of plant or other improvements, or in the industry’s delivery of services.

CSR Bradford Ventilation staff accepting the AIRAH award
Odyssey’s sustainability award from this industry body recognises the contribution it can make towards improving air quality in the home in an energy efficient manner. CSR Bradford Ventilation was also a finalist in the Excellence in Innovation Award for Odyssey. As a core CSR value, the Bradford Ventilation team are very proud to drive innovation in the HVAC&R industry.
AIRAH, who run the awards, is the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning & Heating and is the leading specialist membership association for air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and ventilation professionals, representing over 10,000 professionals across Australia. Formed in 1920, AIRAH is recognised by government and industry bodies for its expertise across a wide range of issues in the area of engineering services for the built environment. AIRAH has a long and proud history of representing an industry of professionals, who are of fundamental, and increasing, importance to the comfort, health and safety of the community.
Odyssey – Good Design Award in Australian International Design Awards
In 2013 Odyssey was also selected for a Good Design award in the Australian International Design Awards. Good Design Australia is an international design promotion organisation responsible for managing the annual Australian Good Design Awards (formerly Australian International Design Awards).
Australian Good Design Awards is recognised by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) as Australia’s peak design endorsement program.
Dating back to 1958, the Good Design Awards is Australia’s longest standing national design award and promotion program, and one of the few forums for professional Industrial Designers and manufacturers to showcase their design expertise to national and international audiences. As a result of more than 50 years of design benchmarking, the program has focused on progressively raising the standard of design and innovation in Australia.
The evaluation criteria encompass a number of different aspects relating to product design; form, function, safety, sustainability, quality, commerciality and innovation. The judges are also asked to consider additional criterion such as the context of design, social and cultural considerations and factors such as honesty and emotion in the execution of the design (where applicable).